Optics - The science of light
We will be introducing a series of short articles of a technical and scientific nature, explaining the science of how and why torches actually work and related subjects.
I hope this is of some help and interest.
If there is a related subject, which you feel should be covered or if you believe there is an error anywhere in these articles,
please contact us
The importance of the beam pattern
Light Measurement
Lenses and reflectors
Torches or flashlights
Lithium-ion Batteries
Safety information on Lithium-ion batteries and battery chargers
How eyes perceive light
Glossary of terms
A truly perfect product can be claimed but never genuinely realised. Improvements are moving incredibly fast within the LED and battery industries and people's needs are constantly changing, so we welcome any feedback regarding this or similar products, as we still strive to reach the state perfection.